Ahhhh home. It truly is my haven. And I got to be there for one whole week! Well, plus two days if you want to be specific. There really is nothing better than having two smiling parents with arms wide open to engulf me with their love as soon as I step out of my car, a little tired from the five hour trip. Once bags are brought in and our rambunctious year old lab, aka the third daughter, is settled down all of our attention turns to dinner. It's not hard, our house usually smells wonderful with the aroma of whatever concoction we whimfully made and this day was no exception. The air was thick with the flavors of bubbling tomato sauce and rich wine. Seasoned chicken laid out, a pile of mushrooms were awaiting the chopping block, and innocent looking fresh herbs graced the counter tops. It was the mess before the masterpiece: Chicken Marsala.

As a family favorite it was just what I needed to come home to. And I even got to make the polenta, with my great grandfather's polenta spoon! I am way too excited about that! As far as a recipe, eventually I might put it up. It actually comes from a book called
The Hill, which if any of you St. Louis people are reading know what that's about. For those of you who don't, The Hill is a patch of the city that's pretty much 100% Italian. Unfortunately I've never gotten the chance to go to any of the amazing restaurants I've heard about but oh my gosh, if you ever go you have to go to Volpi's, it's extremely necessary. That and Imo's. Sooooo good, if I eat pizza it's there. And the local bakery for cannoli's with the perfect cherry, chocolate chip, and ricotta cream ratio. Okay sorry, I got off topic. Anyway it's a great book about the history of The Hill and packed with time tested recipes so needless to say we love it. Can't you see the love?
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